XpressA Education

Flight Phases

Flight Phases

The XpressA application provides information about the different flight phases. These are available in the event list as information commented lines and the graphics as a parameter curve. This curve is generated during the initial express analysis. An acronym is automatically assigned by phase. In the following table, you will find the corresponding phase acrony, with the description used in XpressA.


Standing phase. Its acronym is STD: prior to pushback or taxi, at the gate after arrival, or at the parkingarea while the aircraft is stationary.

·      In thisStanding phase  not operating engines start-upor  operating engines shut-down


Taxi phase. Acronym TXI: Theaircraft is moving on the aerodrome surface under its own power. It may beafter landing or before takeoff. As a result, the aircraft is moving from thegate or parking area to the runway. On the contrary, it may be moving from theend of the runway to the gate or parking area.



•          Taxito Runway: Commences when the aircraft begins to move under its own powerleaving the gate, ramp, apron, or parking area, and terminates upon reachingthe runway.

•          Taxi to Takeoff Position: From entering the runway untilreaching the takeoff position.

•          Taxi from Runway: Begins upon exiting the landing runwayand terminates upon arrival at the gate, ramp, apron, or parking area, when theaircraft ceases to move under its own power.


Takeoff. Acronym TOF: Thisphase ranges from gaining takeoff power to 35 ft elevation above the runway orgears up selection, whichever comes first.

           Very rarely there are rejected takeoffs. Those events startfrom the point where the decision is made to the beginning of the taxi phase.

Initial climb ICL:  This phase goes from the end of the takeoff tothe power reduction, or until reaching 1000 feet above the runway elevation,whichever comes first.


En route. Acronym ENR: From completionof initial climb through cruise altitude and completion of controlled descentto the initial approach.

Let's take a look at the differentsub phases:

·      Climb tocruise:  From completion of Initial Climbto arrival at initial assigned cruise altitude.

·      Cruise: Anylevel flight segment after arrival at initial cruise altitude until the startof descent to the destination.

·      Change ofCruise Level: Any climb or descent during cruise after the initial climb tocruise, but before descent to the destination.

·      Descent: IFR:Descent from cruise to either Initial Approach Fix (IAF) or VFR pattern entry.VFR: Descent from cruise to the VFR pattern entry or 1000 feet above the runwayelevation, whichever comes first.

·      Holding:Execution of a predetermined maneuver (usually an oval race track pattern)which keeps the aircraft within a specified airspace while awaiting furtherclearance. Descent during holding is also covered in this sub-phase.


Approach. Acronym APR: Thisphase is prior to the landing phase. It goes from the VFR (Visual Flight Rules)or below 1000 feet to the beginning of the landing flare.


Consider the followssubphases:

·      InitialApproach (IFR): From the IAF to the Final Approach Fix (FAF).

·      Final Approach(IFR): From the FAF to the beginning of the landing flare.

·      CircuitPattern - Downwind (VFR): A flight path (normally 1,000 feet above the runway) thatcommences at the departure end of the runway, runs parallel to the runway inthe direction opposite to landing, and terminates upon initiating the turn tobase leg.

·      CircuitPattern - Base (VFR): From the start of the turn at the end of the downwind leguntil the start of the turn for the final.

·      CircuitPattern - Final (VFR): From the start of the turn to intercept the extendedrunway centerline, normally at the end of the base leg, to the beginning of thelanding flare. Includes VFR straight-in approaches.

·      CircuitPattern - Crosswind (VFR): A flight path of the VFR traffic pattern, which isperpendicular to the landing runway, crosses the departure end of the runway,and connects with the downwind leg.

·      MissedApproach/Go-Around: From the first application of power after the crew electsto execute a missed approach or go-around until the aircraft re-enters thesequence for a VFR pattern (go-around) or until the aircraft reaches the IAFfor another approach (IFR)


Landing Acronym LDG: Fromthe beginning of the landing flare to the exit of the landing runway.

Landing subphases:

·      Flare:Transition from nose-low to nose-up altitude just before landing untiltouchdown.

·      Landing Roll:After touchdown until the aircraft exits the landing runway or comes to a stop,whichever occurs first.