XpressA Education

Auto Import

Auto Import

An Auto import page of Expressa displays the status of flight data files, transferred to your secured server. This is a feature available only for FDT quick access recorders UQAR2, offering automatic flight data transfer upon aircraft landing.


The first column “Status” in the list has three different indicators. A file having no occurrences or events detected duringexpress analysis, has a checkmark icon. This means, the flight was performedsuccessfully, without any issues and does not require further study. A file,having an exclamation mark icon, represents a flight containing occurrences orevents, that were detected by express analysis.

This means, that the flight should be reviewed by flight data monitoring specialist to find what deviationsoccurred during flight. This icon represents an issue with a flight data file. It could be an incorrect file format, damaged file, or express analysis could not process the file. In this case, the file should be studied by flight data monitoring specialist or FDT representative to understand, what went wrong.